After a decade as novice director for the Society of Jesus in the United States, celebrated author and retreat director
Fr. Mark Thibodeaux, S.J., will be coming to the Villa Saint-Martin in Montreal
July 26 to 30, 2019 to offer his
last retreat before transitioning into full-time parish ministry in New Orleans.
This retreat will offer participants the opportunity to explore their relationship with God by engaging in the Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola. Through silence and prayer, retreatants will share with God the joys and struggles of our lives as we reflect on the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Fr. Thibodeaux will present reflections on the spiritual path of Saint Ignatius and will help participants to tell God about their own spiritual paths and to listen within for God’s response.
Register early! Space is limited! Don’t miss this last chance to participate in one of Fr. Thibodeaux’s retreats! Prices start at $424 for this five day/four night experience. To register, please contact Julie Lafontaine at the Villa Saint Martin at (514) 684-2311 extension 0 or e-mailing
[email protected].