The Naskamoonan Project is open to post-secondary students (women aged 18-26). The Naskamoonan Project seeks to help out young mothers on the reserve of Moose Factory Island, giving them workshops on themes such as finance, budgeting, nutrition, early childhood education, communication... Also it seeks to start a mentoring program between older Cree women in the community and the young mothers so that there be a continuity in the help we can offer. We will also do volunteer work with the elderly. Enrich your day working with the elders, visiting shut-ins and the sick, doing small projects for those who need the help. The application form, as well as more detailed information about the project, can be requested at [email protected]. FONTENEIGE UNIVERSITY CENTER is a registered charity whose spiritual activities are entrusted to Opus Dei, an institution of the Roman Catholic Church.
The next 'Come and See' Evening will be taking place on Friday, January 25th, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. These gatherings are intended for men who are discerning a vocation to follow Jesus as a priest. These evenings are an excellent opportunity for those who are discerning a call to the priesthood, to share in fellowship, and to explore their call together. Gatherings take place at Our Lady of the Annunciation Parish (71 Roosevelt Avenue Ville Mont-Royal). For information: Fr. Robert Clark at 514 903-6200 or [email protected].
Women of the parish are invited to the H.O.P.E. group. Meetings take place on Thursday mornings from 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. in the Beverley room of the Parish hall. Gatherings consist of watching inspirational DVD's and group discussions. Babysitting is provided for the little ones. Coffee, tea and cookies are served
Knitting & Crochet Group will meet Thursday, January 10 th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. A contribution of $ 2.00 would be greatly appreciated in order to cover the cost of the refreshments. Please RSVP: [email protected]
You are invited to join us every second Saturday, to reflect upon, study, d iscuss and enjoy some camaraderie – breakfast is offered! We will be meeting in the Beverley Room from 7:15 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Some experience and study of the bible would be an asset. At present we are beginning to examine Exodus and cover both the Old Te stament (Hebrew bible) and the New Testament (Christian Bible). Contact Fr. Mike Shaw at 514 - 696 - 6451 or [email protected]
Catholic Action is working with the Archdiocese and the office of the Episcopal Vicar, Fr. Raymond Lafontaine, for the missionary roadwork we have all been called to. Jesus invites us to participate, Catholic Action can help YOU participate. Call Judy Wong at 514-335-2538 to learn more about sharing our gifts to help serve our neighbour; visit the CAM website and read CAM’s latest newsletter or email Judy at [email protected]. Join our expertise pool or let us help you! We’re here for community groups, parishioners, and our neighbours in need. We visit, listen, and help you assess, and come up with a plan to help achieve your objectives.Visit us at
Les choralies 2018 "Christmas! A time to sing and celebrate!" - December 2 : Choeur du Centre-Ville - December 8 : Ensemble vocal Universalis - December 9 : Ensemble CantaClaro - December 15 : Nevrenaissance - December 16 : Les petites voix du plateau - December 22 : Ensemble vocal Alternatim - December 23 : Jazz pop et talons hauts - You will be carried away by Christmas carols in the atmosphere of the Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel. Goodwill offering appreciated. Contact Carole Golding at 514-282-8670 ext. 245 or [email protected].
Latin (Wednesdays) and Ancient Greek (Mondays) courses offered by La Fondation Humanitas at Loyola High School (7272 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, H4B 1R2) starting in January 2019. Evenings (6:30-9:30) every two weeks, Cost is $120. for 24-hour session (no classes during first two weeks in March). Beginners and Advanced levels. Information at [email protected].
Join Jesuit Fathers Sylvester Tan and John Meehan at Villa Saint-Martin (9451 Gouin West Blvd., Pierrefonds, H8Y 1T2) as they guide a weekend encounter with the living God. Discover the riveting romance at the heart of all history, even yours! For prices and information, click link or contact retreat captain Deacon Brian Cordeiro at [email protected] . Spaces are limited so register soon.
Do you believe God may be calling you to possibly serve as a Lay Dominican? Intrigued and want to find out more? Please join us on Saturday, January 19, 3 p.m. (2715 Côte-Sainte-Catherine Rd., Montreal, H3T 1B6) for an afternoon information session where we will explore what being a Lay Dominican means. Light refreshments will be provided. Please contact Wendy at 438-883-1800 for any inquiries. Visit
Archbishop Christian Lépine's asylum seeker project, Le Pont, needs your help. As Jesus calls us to serve our neighbour, here is one way you can! Asylum seekers need assistance. Please consider htis as a personal, family or parish Christmas project. Collect these items to make lives more comfortable in our beautiful city. You may deliver your "gifts" directly to Le Pont (2700 Lacordaire, Montreal, H1N 2M6) or contact CAM at [email protected] to arrange for pick-up. Suggested items for donation: Slippers and shoes for indoor use Cooking pots, of all sizes Shampoo and shower gel, preferably travel size Diapers of all sizes Tissues Toilet paper Toothbrushes, preferably individually packaged Toothpaste Winter coats, of all sizes Boots, of all sizes Basically every winter item - they're very helpful! Visit
Athens, Thessaloniki, Kavala, Meteora, Corinth, Ephesus, Rhodes, Crete, Santorini. May 21 – 31, 2019 11 Days Under the Spiritual direction of Fr. Joy Abraham, O. Carm of the Holy Name of Jesus Parish, Laval, Québec. Coordinator: Darryl Romeo [email protected], Home: 905-567-3656
Once again Mission Jeunesse – YM, in collaboration with Spiritours, is organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land for young adults from June 26 to July 8, 2019 accompanied by Archbishop Christian Lépine! You will never listen nor read the Word of God in the same way! REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!
Our parish’s next serving of the disadvantaged is on Saturday, December 8. Please sign up at to contribute food, sign up to help with the community cook on Friday evening, December 7, or to go and serve at the Benedict Labre House. Or you may make a monetary donation towards the food cost by placing an envelope marked BLH in the collection basket at weekend Mass. If