Follow the footsteps of Jesus in an amazing journey to the Holy Land. Trace the roots of Christian tradition as you cross desert and mountains to the cities of Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Nazareth. Yesterday and today come together in this unique opportunity to deeply connect to the teachings of Christ through the land where he lived. If you want more details please come to an information session at Mary Queen of Peace Church, Saturday, April 13, 2 p.m. (11075 Gouin Blvd. West, Pierrefonds, H8Y 1X6). Please note that this tour is guided in English. For more info, contact [email protected] or 514- 288- 6077 or toll free at 1-800- 465-3255.
On Saturday, March 16 join Archbishop Christian Lépine, and speakers Al Smith and Marco Mastromonaco for the Band of Christian Brothers Men’s Conference at St. John Bosco Parish (2510 Springland St., Montreal, H4E 2G5). This year's theme is “Step Up”. The day is designed to help strengthen and challenge men to become the man God created them to be. Mass, talks, Adoration and Confession will take place. $25 admission which includes coffee, snacks and a pasta lunch.
March 10,11 & 12 Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. each evening and the mission will begin at 7:00 p.m. Coffee and snacks in the parish hall following each evening session. Please come & bring a friend or neighbour, enjoy an evening of music, spiritual presentation, personal reflection and prayer setting the tone for a Lenten season of spiritual growth and a deepened relationship with God. 106a Anselme Lavigne, D.D.O. Theologia Book Ministry will be present with a selection of spiritual and religious books for sale.
Every Friday, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., until April 12 at St. Thomas à Becket Parish (4320 Ste-Anne St., Pierrefonds, H9H 4Y7). A new video study program on Jesus’ passion which explores Jesus’ final 18 hours on Earth before his death on the cross. Filmed in 2018 in the Holy Land. Experience the sights and sounds of the places where Jesus walked, prayed, suffered, and died. Info: 514-626-4111.
Join us on Wednesday, March 27, 5 p.m. at the Newman Centre (3484 Peel St., Montreal, H3A 3T6). Panel Discussion with Michel Andraos, book editor, Associate Professor of Intercultural Theology and Ministry at the Catholic Theological Union at Chicago, Christine Zachary-Deom, retired elected Chief of the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake and Brian McDonough, Lecturer, Theological Studies, Concordia University. CLICK THE LINK ABOVE TO REGISTER
Every spring, confirmands from across the island of Montreal, together with their Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCLs), their sponsors, and their families, are invited to visit Mary Queen of the World Cathedral for Holy Spirit Day, an afternoon of fellowship, activities and community. This year's Cathedral visit will be held on Sunday, March 31 from 2 p.m.-4 p.m. (corner of René-Lévesque Blvd. West and rue de la Cathédrale, Montreal) and is open to all children preparing for Confirmation, their sponsor, and/or parents. Archbishop Christian Lépine will be there to welcome and lead everyone in prayer. For more information, please contact your parish's catechetical leader or the Assistant Director of the Office for Faith Education, Lucie McElligott, at 514-925-4300 ext. 271 or [email protected].
Get Romantic! St Valentine's Dinner Date for couples in the parish. ·When: Saturday, February 23rd at 6:30 PM ·Location: St. John Fisher Parish Hall Join other couples from our parish for a catered four-course Italian dinner, prepared here and served to each couple at their individual candle lit table. It will be a wonderful opportunity to reconnect and celebrate your love. Cost is $60.00 per couple. BYOB Any funds collected in excess of expenses will go to support our parish. Last year’s event was a great success – so Make your plans now and reserve ASAP as space is limited. Please reserve by email at: [email protected] or call for more information at (514) 952-1891
Information Session Hosted by Rideau Memorial Gardens on the advantages of pre-arranging Funeral & Cemetery needs. Sunday, February 24th, 2019 at 12:30 p.m. in the Parish hall. Refreshments will be served. Please call 514-695-0205 to RSVP.